cone beam ct scan
Previously, we were limited to two dimensional images of three dimensional objects (teeth, jaw bone, nerve pathways, sinuses etc). These images were missing an entire dimension of information.
Cone beam CT scans provide a fast, non-invasive, and accurate 3D image to aid in the diagnostic and treatment phases of care. It can detect endodontic apical pathology earlier than standard intra-oral radiographs. Intra-oral radiographs can detect apical pathology once the more dense outer cortical plate of bone has been breached. Cone beam CT scans can detect this prior to the cortical plate being involved. The advantage is that we can diagnose and treat the problem earlier, resulting in quicker healing.
The cone beam CT image can also detect issues in the third dimension, not possible in a standard intra-oral radiograph. The cone beam CT image can be viewed in three different planes allowing us to see significantly more detail. More information from these 3D images allows us to more accurately diagnose and to provide more thorough treatment.
A 3D scan typically takes only 9 seconds, and the radiation equivalent is less than a one-way flight from Los Angeles to New York City (depending on time of day and altitude flown). We are also able to take smaller images (field of view) depending on the scope of the issue. This further reduces radiation exposure.
We follow the ALARA principle, which stands for “as low as reasonably achievable”. This principle means that even if it is a small dose, if that dose has no direct benefit, it should be avoided.
Our CT scans are also able to capture specific 3D images of the maxillary sinuses for ENT and allergists/immunologists, as well as the condyles of the mandible for TMD related issues.
We are here for you should you have any additional questions or concerns. Please give us a call.